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A civic finance path to understand, discuss, choose

Finance revolves more and more around itself. And the money does not reach the real economy.
Almost fifteen years after the Great Financial Crisis, everything has changed so that little or nothing would change. Meanwhile, while we have stopped dealing with it, finance continues to take care of us.

Ten years ago we launched “Money 4 Good”, the first cycle of events on social impact finance, today we resume our successful series with a new perspective, ten years of experience on our shoulders, ten new topics, as many discussants and a leading speaker , Alessandro Messina.

Every last Wednesday of the month (except August, June 22 and December 14) from 18.30 to 19.30

A civic finance path to understand, discuss, choose.


Format of each meeting: 30 minutes of speech, 10 minutes of comment by the guest discussant, 20 minutes of Q&A of the public in presence and online.


– € 10 for a single face-to-face meeting (welcome drink: non-alcoholic, glass of wine or beer)

– € 5 for a single online meeting

– € 80 for the entire program in attendance


The participation fee will cover the out-of-pocket costs of managing the program. The speakers will not receive any remuneration.


  • Lo stato dell’arte della finanza globale – 23rd February with Valentina Zadra
  • Lo stato delle banche in Italia – 30th March with Concetta Brescia Morra
  • L’accesso al credito e l’esclusione finanziaria – 27th April with Salvatore Vescina
  • Il microcredito tra moda e mancate promesse – 25th May with Giampietro Pizzo
  • L’impact finance, in pratica – 22nd June with Filippo Addarii
  • Il futuro del Crowdfunding – 27th July with Angelo Rindone
  • Le fintech salveranno il mercato finanziario? – 28th September with Alberto Dalmasso*
  • Le criptovalute, tra anarchia e speculazione – 26th October with Mariano Carozzi
  • L’euro digitale: fate presto! – 30 November with Simone Suriano*
  • Verso la finanza sostenibile: cittadini e investitori, finalmente uniti? – 14th Dicember with Pietro Negri
    * pending confirmation

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