Impact Skills: Art of the Elevator Pitch
18th November: Session Two
In this session we will be creating, refining and honing your elevator pitch. Why is it that you should always have your pitch ‘under your hat’ ready to use? Because you NEVER know who you might encounter and how this person could help you and vice versa! Knowing what you and your business are about and how you can help others will SPEED up the growth of your business. The perfect pitch helps to build rapport, opens relationships, wins clients and new business, forms partnerships and joint ventures and most importantly assists you to become an iconic and global brand. Learn how to powerfully communicate the high quality outcomes of your products and services.
Your Host: Elliot Kay aka the Coach with the Hat
Elliot has also accumulated over 3,000 hours on stage in front of audiences across the world, including training many businesses to pitch for investment. Working across both corporate and experiential training, Elliot has delivered training programmes for the likes of Sky Television, Talk Talk, NHS and Hewlett Packard. He also facilitates his very own ground breaking experiential seminar.
Discounted tickets for Impact Hub members
Also in this series…..
25th November: Session Three
How to Fall in Love with Public Speaking
How come we are fine having a 1-2-1 conversation but get incredible nervous in front of many? This session will present you some of the most powerful techniques in order to control nerves and come across as confident in front of any audience. It will help you to overcome self-judgement and self-consciousness when speaking in public. Confidence is so important because how you see yourself is how others will see you too. This session is sharpening your self-awareness, helping you to deal with the ‘critical voices’ in your head. Take home tools & ideas easy to implement and many crazy ideas to improve your confidence and overcome self-doubt, despite the fears.
2nd December: Session Four
The Power of Influence
What is the best way to tap into the power of influence? What is influence in the first place? And what is the difference between influence and persuasion? Influence is the capacity or power to produce effects on others by intangible or indirect means. Influence is when you automatically make someone do something without trying, while persuasion is when you have to try to make someone do something. Sounds very intellectual? It’s not. Despite the sound of it, this is a fun session that will sharpen your ability to influence others and enhance your ability to sell or increase your impact when presenting.
What makes PONY Express different?
Pony Express teach in an interactive & experiential way. You will be up learning and doing most of the time, ensuring a much higher progress and learning retention. Experiential learning is a high-impact educational training practice. It’s a learner-centered approach that gets you off your chair, out of your comfort zone, actively involved and responsible for your progress in a safe environment. This training format guarantees an immediate and noticeable difference in your communication approach.
The philosophy behind PONY Express is the concept of risking something. The 1860s PONY Express was this mail delivery service where young PONY riders like Buffalo Bill risk their lives delivering a message. Same today. It might feel daunting to pitch to a panel of serious investors or a room full of industry peers – will they like you and buy into your idea? Will you be able to communicate your idea so it resonates with them?
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